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Hey ! Thanks a lot for sharing your work! Do you think it's possible to use AI to add voices based on the original ones from TCOMI? (Not only in english, but also in other languages). I would pay for having the full game with the original French voices (even if it's more than 20 bucks).

Where do we report bugs? You misspelled Herman Toothrot.

great job! the vibes are the right ones. love it.

You did a fantastic job! Love the art, animation, and feel of the game!

This looks very nifty, but I tried the Linux version and the sound is extremely scratchy and unbalanced. Any tips for that?

MERAVIGLIOSO! Pieno di dettagli che rimandano alla vecchia saga (apprezzato anche il menù, provate ad aumentare la risoluzione ad esempio)

It looks so cool, I'll write a detail review once I play it for longer.

Suuup! Thanks for doing this game! 

For me, the storytelling in point-and-click adventures is something unique, and Monkey Island is one of the best!

(1 edit)

Great start. Great game, awesome graphics. 

I used the Linux version 1.4. Here are my Suggestions: 

  • Make the keyboard hints always available somewhere (I for Inventory, Space for actions / locations, etc). As I feel the "Controls" screen in the options is a bit "buried".
  • Linked to previous point: Make sure user clicks and keep his finger on the button. (I was blocked at the very beginning because of that)
  • Provide a Quest or To-do List screen, the same as the Inventory. so that at any time, people can remember what to do next. 
  • Optional: Make the text speed a parameter. It can be quick sometimes. Also, give hint that texts can be skipped by clicking.
  • Optional: Release in English by default.
  • Optional: when running the game via the Linux command line, the logs can be quite talkative. Mute them by default. and have a command line option to explicitly activate the logs. like "$ DBG=1 start"
  • Optional: Avoid file names and folder names with space, especially in Linux. prefer "-" or "."
  • Optional: Same as above , for the save location, to avoid path like "~/.local/share/BEAN\ -\ Adventure\ Agency/The\ Booze\ Of\ Monkey\ Island/Savegames/savegame00.dat"

Amazing Guys, I wanna help you too for german translations, if you need me just text me. :)

Yeah, me too. I can give you a hand to take a look into feeding the parrot. 

Amazing! I wanna help for the French translation, if you need to.

Haven't finished yet but dropping in to say a huge well done and THANK YOU for this! You've done a fantastic job at capturing the spirit and tone of MI and all the references are so much fun to re-live. The artwork is stunning as well, just gosh darn it that infernal SYDNEY™ getting in the way of this being expanded on...

Hi there! Loved this project as soon as I placed an eye on it. Here's my very little contribution with the spreading of this gem, playing it on Android with my own project. Looking so forward for it!

PD: If you wanna some Spanish translators, I would LOVE to help!

Spanish translation could really have an improvement. It reads like translated with an AI 


There are so much freaking funny lines that lost the enchant with the AI translation. 


I've created this to make a colaborative progress with everyone who wants to help with spanish translation


please add a skip text option, either a click or button press.   

I vote for "continue" button. Look at other games, for example Quest for Glory 4. Texts are very, very lazy (everybody can read it even if his english is not so good) but you can click and go to next text immediately.


I wanted to contribute to this project, couldn't find a suitable online media with a community of fans for this project, though. I came here to ask if you need help with translation for Swedish. I've been a (bigger) fan of Monkey Island since I was a kid, and my father did an unofficial translation of one of the first games to Swedish. I would wholeheartedly help, I don't need credits though. Just want everyone to experience a fanproject of one of the best series ever.

Hi Ludomaster contact me by e-mail:

Deleted 142 days ago

Hi! Yes, that's how you launch the game. Also note that the game is not on English language setting by default. If you want to change the language to English, you have to edit the config.ini. How exactly: add this to the file: LANGUAGE = English

on the first pic he look like he have a pirate hat lol


if you want help with the italian language I can help.

That's an awesome tribute! love it!

Hey, but an Android version?


Signed up just to congratulate you all for this. It's brilliant -the puzzles are well balanced, the dialogue is funny and well written and the artwork is spot on. Also comes across very much as the intended respectful homage to one of the best video game series ever made.

I just finished it! Wow, thank you guys, what an awesome job recreating the MI world. I wish it lasted longer ;)

This is the final release or do you want to upgrade something ?


Nice game. If you want, I can collaborate to translate it into Catalan, like I did with "" . 


Jajajaja a quien mierda le importa el catalán, para que lo jueguen 4 gatos con un fuet en el ojete, no gracias.


Pues mira, a más de nueve millones de catalanoparlantes nos puede interesar. En cuanto a ti, reportado por insultar y por faltar al respeto.


Y los 9 millones no sabéis Castellano, es absurdo traducir a un idioma que hablan 9 millones cuando se puede traducir al castellano que lo hablais vosotros también, reportado por independentista y maric⁰n


Aaaaai.... gamarús! Tinc les mateixes ganes de jugar en català que tu de perdre el temps deixant comentaris ofensius.


No es para nada absurdo, igual que tu puedes preferir jugar en español entendiendo el inglés.

De hecho, ¿en que te afecta que esté en catalán o no?


No doneu menjar al trol

Doncs ho trobo molt interessant! If you need help, just whistle ;)

Ei! Hem creat un grup de traducció al català a si t'hi vols unir, ens trobareu al Discord! :)

Great <3 Will a French patch be available?


oh, and one more thing: 

Disney: Please give this agency the opportunity to create this game in the proper way. This is what fans want to see again! Please, Disney, please!


I created an account ONLY to comment on this game! I just want to say that it is simply wonderful—exactly how I imagined the new official Return to Monkey Island should look. It is beautifully drawn, and the mood is just so lovely. I wish and hope that you receive all the attention you deserve because this is what we fans want! The graphics are fantastic. I wish this game would be officially released with voice acting and as a full game.

Hi and thanks for the compliments!
If you liked the game, download the free demo of the first of : The adventures of Tango Rio and if you like help us with the kickstarter campaign

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh. My. God. I JUST downloaded and had to create an account and come to comment. L-O-L! The 12K video option!! I clicked on it twice and was like "Great, an error and I haven't even started... WAIT A MINUTE!". You got me!!! Great homage, I had forgotten that gag! Thanks, and, again, I haven't even started :D


This is a great Monkey Island game. I'm sure we would all love to see a full length game but getting that licence would be the real job. Thanks guys this is amazing!

It looks absolutely incredible! I'm sending a lot of love to you, the chara design looks incredible and I love the feeling coming from Escape From Monkey Island!

100% agreed! Although I think you meant Curse of Monkey Island, right? This should be the next game, like Monkey Island 3.5 or something.

Tanta roba, ragazzi, complimenti di cuore. Ormai non gioco molto, ma ho un passato da gamer esperto e mi sarei baciato i gomiti per avere un gioco del genere a fine anni 90 dopo Curse o anche nei primi anni 2000. E' meglio anche, e lo dico con grande amarezza, di Return to Monkey Island.


Hello, I tried this game and looks very good. But long press left mouse button is annoying. I offten use "action" instead of movement.

Second tip is the menu. I don't like hidding menu items if you select one item.

And the text is very fast. I would welcome waiting for my mouse click before move to next subtitle.

(1 edit) (+2)

I agree about the text being too fast!

Maybe nativ speakers are ok but I'm not ;)

I think the text timing is fine. Even long, although I'm playing in Spanish and that's my native language.

It's a weird mix where sometimes it's too long and sometimes it flashes by. But ofc since you're Spanish everything talks slow in comparison 😄

The text is unplayably slow. without a skip to next line button, it's just frustrating.  

Just left click?


I love every single monkey island game but Curse is my favourite art style. This game replicates that style almost freakishly well, plays brilliantly with my favourite look/see/pick up interface and although I’ve only played it for five minutes, it’s already pretty damn funny in a classic monkey way. The only thing missing is Mr Armato but I find myself reading the text with his voice in mind. Thanks so very much to all involved for making something that so closely and brilliantly resembles my favourite game of all time. If your intent was solely to make this game as a love letter to the original, then mission very much accomplished. It’s the sequel I’ve always wanted. Thanks to all involved, I’m gonna go play the rest now. 


I signed up to this site solely to leave a comment about this game and just realised I’ve misspelled the moderately amusing reference in my username. Dammit.

Same here, funny username, lol. This game is awesome and I have also played like 5 min, every gag is so very funny in a Monkey-Island kind of way.


I had a lot of fun :D Thank you for this touch of nostalgia

A walkthrough, so fast! Thank you for that too, that's part of the lore of any game and always appreciated! :D

Very good game. When I started playing the first thought that came to me was: this is how Return to Monkey island should look. For me the style of Curse of Monkey island is the one that better fits these stories. Thanks for the great work. One question: this is the final version or there will be updates?

Thank you so much for your kind words! We’re thrilled you enjoyed the game and that it brought back those Monkey Island vibes for you. The game is currently in Early Access, so it’s not the final version. We’ll be updating it regularly with new builds and a full soundtrack.

If you liked this game, you might also enjoy our original title, The Adventures of Tango Rio! Thank you again for your support!


very good

first "room" there's a text glitch where you click on porthole and it talks about pirates/crew.
click on the voodoo doll and it talks about the blocked door..
click on the grease in your pocket and it talks about a rock...(?!?)
also it "ADDED" an item at the top right of the screen, but the inventory is actually bottom right which is confusing. keep it in one place.


Wow! This is pretty incredible, I only tooled around a little but well flipping done! I'll grab the demo of Tango Rio too.

(2 edits) (+1)

The game is stunningly beautiful, the graphics is fantastic, you've done a great job there. I would say however the writing could use proof reading by a native english speaker and some jokes feels like they were lost in translation. The text is also way too fast at times. But the game being so beautiful means you can overlook it, but I would really encourage you to let a native english speaker polish the writing so the game will be perfect! 

(1 edit)

Hi there, I'm Vito, the guy who adapted the script into English.

The game is in "early access" (meaning we're still working on the final touches and bug fixes), including its translation, which I'm still working on to address the issues you have rightfully mentioned. We are going to update the game in the future, but at the moment we can't give any ETA.

After working on the game since 2016, the team felt the need to see it out in the wild, that's why we went with the "Early Access" thing, knowing full well there's still work to be done.

Thank you for your feedback and I hope you'll enjoy the definitive translation!

Okay great yeah I can't wait to replay it when the dialogue have been fixed. Also please add a way to click through dialogue cause while some dialogue swish by at other times it could be good to be able to click to get the next line faster. Anyways great job it truly is a beautiful game


Tremendous job! Disney please give them the rights to do it the proper way. We need this game in our life.


Thank you! If you enjoyed this game, check out our demo of the original game, The Adventures Of Tango Rio, on Kickstarter.

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